Mija Mechanical Plant Established in 1938 under the name of Mija Romanian Mechanical and Chemical Enterprise, currently operates as a subsidiary of C.N. ROMARM. ABOUT US Products Military Equipment Anti Tank Rounds Military Grenades Products for Maintaining Public Order Products for Training and Instructional Shooting Civil Indsutry MT 12-2 DM Minitractor and accessories M 1000 Motor Pump Spare Parts and Tools Services Dismantling and demilitarisation Anti Tank Rounds Military Grenades Artillery and Infantry Weapons Tanks and Armoured Personnel carriers Technological capabilities - economic sector Mechanical machining Thermal and thermochemical treatments MORE Latest Posts Posts are available only in Romanian25.09.18 We apologize for the inconvenience, but all the posts are available only in Romanian.
Posts are available only in Romanian25.09.18 We apologize for the inconvenience, but all the posts are available only in Romanian.